hindutva: microsoft paint in service of hindu nationalism

In this debate, I was not too sure where I would stand. After all, I sort of like Islam, but these hindutva guys says it is poor evil witchery and bloodshed. Then again, their social programme does sound vague and buttressed by symbolic acts meant to create interethnic tension....
In the end, all I can really rely on in my judgement is their craft at the digital arts, and in that arena they are second to none. look how the artist has perfectly aligned the hindutva soldier, proudly thronged my symbols of his cause, so that his gun can fire a bullet straight into Osama bin laden's cow-murdering, polygamist, jihadi head! The subtelty of the stealth powers of a hindutva soldier is captured by his ability to catch Osama offguard: the placement of women scantily-clad in the field of vision of the infamous terrorist, clearly a symbol of his preoccupation with the sinful over-sexualized culture of the west. Imagine the years of training, no doubt at Benares Hindu University, it must have took this proud hindu youth to so perfectly match the gunsight with Osama's head to the digital breasts of the bikini dancers. Lastly, take note of the extremely realistic flames surrounding the pakistani flag, stained in blood letters. The fear this evokes need not be articulated as you can surely feel it in your own heart. I can't believe this whole time I have been carelessly claiming to be an Islamophile, it sends shivers down my spines.
Clearly faced with the dedication and skill of this picture, any doubt can be left as to where myself, and might I suggest you, should fall on this issue.