a solution to my old book problem

so yesterday I treated myself to a book at my favorite used bookstore in kadıköy and hadn't even paid for it before starting to worry, nay, dread about how this book printed in 1947 would fall apart to pieces, nay, dust before I had even gotten to the second chapter. I'll never know what happens in les enfants terribles for that very reason. But at the exit I stopped to look at a little arabic scribble (on left) with a caption under it.
eskilerden rivayet: kitabları, kitap kurdundan ya da güvelerden korumak için kitabın ilk yaprağı üzerine 'ya kabikeç' yazılır. Kabikeç kitapları güveden koruyan meleğin, cinin ya da şeytanın adı.
old hearsay: in order to protect books from worms and moths, "ya kebikech" is written on the first page. Kabikech is the angel/jinn/shaytan of protection from moths.
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