Merza Ghalib and Emo Music
Sometime there befallest on mankind sincere coincidences of Apollonian proportions. That is to say, tragic art, little contradictions to Neitzsche's teleology of tragedy.
— From music? Music and tragedy? The Greeks and the Music of Tragedy? The Greeks and the art work of pessimism? The most successful, most beautiful, most envied people, those with the most encouraging style of life so far — the Greeks? How can this be? Did they of all people need tragedy? Even more — art? What for — Greek art?
The music of tragedy? I don't think that there's an Hellenistic monopoly on it. I submit two examples to the Jury:
exhibit 1: a couplet by Ghalib

exhibit 2: random smattering of Emo lyrics:
I can't sleep anymore since you left
I miss you singing me to sleep
I can't wake anymore in your arms
I miss you singing me to sleep
- New Found Glory, "Dressed to Kill"
My gut is burning. Won't you find me some water?
Hey, just forget it can you bring me gasoline
and collect a couple forks, hold them three feet apart
and wait for lightning to strike to burn me up?
-Saves The Day, "See You"I can't sleep anymore since you left
I miss you singing me to sleep
I can't wake anymore in your arms
I miss you singing me to sleep
- New Found Glory, "Dressed to Kill"
My gut is burning. Won't you find me some water?
Hey, just forget it can you bring me gasoline
and collect a couple forks, hold them three feet apart
and wait for lightning to strike to burn me up?
Please don't worry too much
It only hurts when I breathe
Atreyu, "Someone's Standing on my Chest"
Does not the tragic element transcend its Athenian birthplace to both high and low art, as far reaching as Lahore during the Raj and Pheonix suburbs! The histrionic element of art, unabashed sappiness, is the inheritance of all! the excessive use of exclamation points! Alas! Even the blogosphere is home to Melpomene!