
So I hoped that by studying verbal nouns, case endings, and syntax of enough languages I could somehow find a transcendent path to making Lundinish the most unique language possible. I wanted to get away from any overly obvious semblance to an existing language by blending and extracting to the point of completely erasing my tracks. I think it's uber interesting that the more grammar's I read (Yoruba, Japanese, Kurdish, Quechua) about, the more imprisoned I feel in human thought. There is no way really to evade one of the inevitable choices between SOV, VSO, SVO, etc. you can make minor changes to pronouns if you want but they seem cosmetic since you still have to have them. It feels like watching a bad sci-fi movie where you can tell that the magical creature they've conjured up is just an elephant with scales, or a robot that just looks like an effeminate bald guy. Even elvish is just a rip-off of Finnish.
For Lundinish I am taking the best parts of Arabic verb-roots systems and turkish's clever syntactical use of possessive contructions with verbal nouns (-dik clauses) and the Dravidian use of only having one finite verb per sentence (I'm getting around that by defaulting all infinite verbs to the 1st person singular simple past (like in Arabic but more narcissistic) and making all other verbs act as adverbs). I'm also hoping to make prepositions entirely redundant (I'm getting close) as well as the case system other than leaving in a few prefixes that denote genitive and izafa structures to complex nouns. I've been hoping to find a more novel way to make compound nouns (nostalgia + book = journal) but I haven't thought of anything better than the way most languages do it i.e. just putting them next to each other. My verbal nouns are easily done by adding a single vowel in front of the verb stem, the internal vowel of verbs denote a general sense of mood or essence (big, exotic, passionate, matter of fact, etc.) rather than transitivity of passivity as in Arabic ( I show that through the additions of one of 5 consonants after the verb stem). Subject and object pronouns attach to each other independent of the verb ( I-you talked).
Despite this, even if I smoked lots of opiates and lived in new guinea or continually evolved Lundinish without ever finalizing anything, I will never get away from Deep Grammar. As we say in Lundinish
Atog meşeyaax tascaamç
human social tradition is inescapable
human social tradition is inescapable