يتربض خطيرة التصوف وراء كل شيء

had a talk with our reading/writing coordinator on the service shuttle yesterday about le nom du pere and fiqh and she said a more interesting parallel could be drawn between the insatiability of desire according to Lacan and sufi conceptions of oneness with God. Apparently everyone has figured this out already. yuck.

Al-Ghazzali and Lacan

al-Ghazzali wrote that the closer the Sufi approaches to God, the beloved, 'the more he apprehends the fathomless depth of His qualities, the abyss of His essence: therefore his longing to plumb deeper and.... It is a limitless approach, a goal never to be reached. The self is obliteratd in an intense paradoxical desire, an essence that is also an abyss.
for Al-Ghazzali, as for Lacan, the speaking subject is founded on a vois, a moment of seperation, a lack. Though other Sufis have focused more intensely on desire ants imaginary in their poetry, Al-Ghazzali has written autobiographically of a profound interuption of his ego and its resolution in a way that finds resonances in Lacan's theory of desire and the subject.


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