The Adventures of Jahangir and Captain Zortron

In high school I used to draw a comic strip called ‘Otto le singe’ and even entered it into a bonne desinée competition for French symposium (along with our incredible instructional video on French etiquette ‘les aventures de le coq galois’ it was mercilessly crushed by dweebs from private schools in Houston). Actually my original comic was a spin-off on the X-men I did in 4th grade called the ‘ridicule force’. It was supposed to be (I only got around to coming up with characters, never came up with a single plot) a gallant band of crimefighters all possessing incredible but wholly pointless super powers like band-she: a flying girl made out of band instruments, calendar girl: a girl…that was actually a calendar, you get the point. So my latest attempt was going to be about a time traveler from the year 2622 (two thousand years after the hijrah where the whole solar system lives under a peaceful Islamic federation, or as I was going to call it ‘the Ummiverse’) who, given some discrepancies with Mughal historiography, was sent back to the year 1611 to study the court of Jahangir. Long story short he ends up tagging along with a petty thief who calls himself jahanghir (it means ‘world snatcher’ in Persian, therefore the thief Jahanghir thinks it appropriate since there is nothing in the jahan that he can’t ghir) and hilarity ensues.


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